Service Areas

Founded in 1990

Circular economy, active ageing, smart cities. . .

. . . in Hungary we were among the first to initiate and establish projects in relation to these principal European objectives.

In a European context, HBH has an outstanding success rate demonstrating excellent knowledge in the funding programmes and schemes. Our colleagues are prominent experts in the most important development policy areas such as urban development, economics and tourism. We care deeply for our living environment and we take social responsibility seriously.

We know our job. You have a great idea. Let’s talk!

Brings together over 30 years of expertise

Our extensive experience ranges from regional and urban development, local economic development, social innovation, tourism to other important thematic areas of the EU development policy.

Our Clients

Our Valued Clients: Partners in Progress and Innovation

Prime Minister’s Office
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

OFA Nonprofit Ltd.
Széchenyi Program Office Nonprofit Ltd.
National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
National Hospital Directorate

North Brabant Regional Government – Netherlands
Parkstadt – Limburg Regional Government – Netherlands
Potenza Provincial Government – Italy


County-level cities
Medium-sized towns
Small settlements and their associations
Budapest and its districts
Municipal associations


NETHERLANDS (Eindhoven, Breda, Tilburg, Herleen)
ITALY (Trento, Potenza, Rome)
IRELAND (Dublin)

URBACT Secretariat, FRANCE

Eötvös Loránd University
Semmelweis University
Metropolitan University
Open University Netherlands
University of Maribor – Slovenia

Csongrád County Health Care Center Hódmezővásárhely-Makó
Miskolc Semmelweis Hospital and University Teaching Hospital
Pest County Flór Ferenc Hospital
Upper-Szabolcs Hospital (Kisvárda)

Hungarian Maltese Charity Service Association
European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs)
Chambers of Commerce and Industry
EDC Debrecen Nonprofit Ltd.

WWF Hungary Foundation
Vereniging Regio Water (Regional Water Association), Netherlands

“We are very satisfied with our choice to have invited HBH in assisting our project development work: together, we have already submitted four winning EU applications.”

Baja Város

“We have been working with HBH for over 10 years. They are the top consultancy helping us combine mainstream and direct EU funding in our developments.”

Újbudai Önkormányzat

“We couldn’t have realized our major city development projects without the professional assistance of HBH.”


    Regional and Urban Development

    Funding Sources

    Main References

    Fejlesztéspolitikai tanácsadás

    Kiemelt referenciák

    Smart Solutions, Innovation

    Main References

    Project Development and Management Related to National and Direct EU Funding Programmes

    We are prepared to design local-regional development programmes and projects to be funded through “smart financial engineering” optimizing the combination of national and direct EU (or other donor) funding options:

    Main References

    Supporting Green Transition

    Funding Sources

    Main References

    Development of Public Services

    Funding Sources

    Main References

    Térség- és városfejlesztés


    Kiemelt Referenciák