Smart solutions, innovation
- Development of “Smart City” strategies
- Preparation of studies and projects in Telemedicine
- Preparation of major projects related to the “digital transition” (in health/public health, culture, community building, housing)
- Facilitation of innovation ecosystem building, capacity development
- Project development, preparation of applications related to “smart aging”
- Intelligent use of data
Main References
- Preparing “Smart city “ concepts- Baja, Rácalmás, Veresegyház
- National Directorate General for Hospitals: reengineering of Telemedicine related processes; preparation of feasibility study of Telemedicina service and methodology Center in consortium with Semmelweis University
- 3. ELTE TINLAB (National Laboratory for Social Innovation - Eötvös Lóránd University): development of projects and preparation of applications
- EIT Health InnoStars e.V.- mapping of funding opportunities, preparing studies related to core activities of InnoStars, preparing applications funded by various EU programmes (Interreg, H2020, HE)
- Eindhoven Brainport (NL)- project preparation and management services to health innovation projects using new and novel smart toolkits